Thursday, May 17, 2012

current podcast list

I've dumped some dead wood, clearing away some podcasts that were too depressing to listen to or just too raunchy. The Nerdist had an awesome interview with Sir Patrick Stewart; but mostly their interviews are too dumb for me, relying on so much swearing and jokes where they crack each other up or their sound is just bad/not recorded very well.

So here are my new favorites:
Here's the thing with Alec Baldwin (really... only once every two weeks?)
After the Jump from Design*Sponge (technically I haven't been able to listen to this yet, but I can't imagine it would be anything short of delicious)
WTF with Marc Maron - only the ones without too much swearing or listening to a guest reminiscing on their drug histories (man, does that ever get old FAST)and I skip through his dialogues at the beginning (yawn)
Guest DJ Project - via KCRW One of my favorite podcasts
Good Food - via KCRW
The Dinner Party
The Treatment - via KCRW
Pop Culture Happy Hour - sometimes they can go on and sound full of themselves. but my fave part is when they talk about "What Makes You Happy"
Science Friday
99% Invisible

I also like:
Only a Game
Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
But if I don't get to them that week, I feel like they're easy to delete and start with the new week of show.

Honestly, KCRW is the place to find whatever interests a gal. KEXP has amazing podcasts of past performances, if you want to try out a band, be they up and coming or proven to rock.

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