Saturday, November 5, 2011

food schedule ponderings - and a food book

And I'm making a list of how often I should make certain foods: meals, snacks, staples. More later. But, it's actually looking realistic!

My year old is begging me to make homemade eggnog. (Hubby recently purchased 5 records for $1, one of them is Elmo and Patsy's 'Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer' and the kids play it over and over again on their record player! Hence the eggnog reference.) I've told him this might have to be store bought (we have a local dairy that makes a yummy full fat eggnog) rather than made. And, as it's seasonal, he'll have to get excited about waiting. I try to explain the concept of anticipation, but he's not buying it.

I have this book on order from our local library system:
Make the bread, buy the butter / Jennifer Reese
Mum said Dad's hijacked the book and zipping through it, so she's hoping to read it soon too. Perhaps by the time the library gets it to me, we'll be able to have a Food Book Club phone conference to discuss it!

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