Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014: 4 of 52 Boys

~ Magic show, complete with a curtain (blanket) that your brother operated for dramatic effect.
~ A play date you've been waiting for, you were thrilled that we finally got our act together enough to have your friend over.

~ We made homemade playdough. It was tough to stir as it thickened, but so fun.
~ You used the playdough to re-enact the beach scene from ‘Gullivers Travels’ (the 1940’s animated version) and you tied down Gulliver with dental floss and surrounded him with soldiers.
~ Swinging inside in your pajamas, pushing yourself around on the ottoman while hanging upside down.

~ A lazy MLK day of reading Huxley’s newly acquired Donald Duck book, while sitting in your pajamas. You ate something chocolate.
~ A morning of goofy faces, so I could practice using my new camera lens. Thank you, love!

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